Saturday, January 10, 2009

Page Turnin'

Well, today was the last part of my CSET, assuming that I pass it.  I didn't get to blog for over a week or so because I have been really diligently uncovering US History.  200+ years under 10 days.  I used to think it was unbelievably boring in high school, especially the Civil War. As I went through 600 pages of that history text book, the pages just kept on turning. It was a lot more interesting and alive seeing how each event has shaped the country we live in today.  What a fool I was in high school. I hope to make sure there are not any more of junior year little "me"s going through my class if and when I teach them.  I also feel like people must be informed of America's past politics so that they do not make assumptions that Democrats were always for progressiveness and liberal views, while Republicans were conservatives and business only.  This land was made for you and me.....

Anywho, I realized as I was going through that history text book and an AP supplementary review guide, I would take my breaks reading this new book I got, Letters from a Skeptic.  This has been a real enjoyment to read about a critically atheist father writing letters with difficult theological questions to his son who has PhD in Theology. Their relationship is genuinely loving despite the arguments being tossed back and forth.

This morning when I was doing devotionals I was reading a verse from Jeremiah and the word INQUIRE just really hit me hard. It was a real moment that the Word of God spoke to me.  I feel like society's number one question these days is "What can I get out of it?" There ALWAYS has to be something tangible that is rewarded to them for their effort.  No one wants to hear, "Can't you just do it for the sake of doing it?!?!?" We are all greedy, self-interested beings. College students surfing the web in class, ignoring the lecturer, thinking, "What can I buy to fill my life today?" "Is there something new I can ACQUIRE today that will satisfy me?" Now let's go to ACQUIRING salvation. "What do I need to DO to GET to heaven?" John 17:3- "And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."  In all our attempts to ACQUIRE that one thing we desire most, may it even be the intangibles, LOVE, PEACE, JOY, or HOPE, we have to KNOW that these things are not gained by man, but given by God.  As one INQUIRES the LORD, He will provide all things needed. Ask and you shall receive, SEEK and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened.

This is the miracle of God, that He could touch one's life and change his or her outlook of life. That they would have the right perspective of INQUIRING instead of ACQUIRING. By inquiring, comes acquiring more than one could ever ask for. Trust in the Lord, in ALL your ways ACKNOWLEDGE Him.  All means ALL. All in All.

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